Friday Oct 28, 2022

Purposeful Strategies For Less Defeating and More Rewarding Parenting with Mike Wallach

In this episode, I have a conversation with Mike Wallach. Mike lives in Edmonds with his wife and 4 young children. 

He’s a Behavior Analyst and he loves to share positive, practical, and effective tools with parents to improve every member of the family’s experience. 

Through his work he has broke down the specific actions we can take (and avoid) to create a happier household… like, siblings who care about each other, minimal frustration for everyone, and how to create lasting, healthy relationships.

We chat about how parenting is exhausting with or without effective strategies, but with more purposeful strategies...parenting becomes more rewarding and less defeating.

The insights and strategies he shares are from what he calls the RIGHT approach, which is an acronym he explains throughout, and the strategies actually WORK to drive a closer connection with your children.

This conversation was a lot of fun, and I hope it will be for you as well. 

Find and connect with Mike in the links in the show notes

And here is his community for parents:

And as always, these weekly episodes are powered and brought to you by Zamio: the world's first social and education platform that develops emotional intelligence and growth mindsets for children and teens through AI, gamification, and humanistic psychology.

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